Complex Deduction Calculation is a script-driven calculator that can automatically compute many deductions that exceed the capability of Dynamics SL payroll.
Auto-Exempt Deductions Dynamics SL payroll automatically adds deductions to the employee record during the Calculation process. While this is beneficial in many respects, it would also be beneficial to suppress that behavior for certain deductions. Auto-exempt Deductions adds the deduction as Exempt immediately before Calculation - thereby preventing Calculation from adding that deduction as an active item - unless the user has explicitly added the deduction to the person's record.
Suspend Deductions Microsoft advises clients who do not take deductions in the fifth weekly (or third biweekly) period of a month to delete the deduction from all affected earnings types, run the payroll, and then restore the deductions to those earnings. Suspend Deductions replaces this risky, time-consuming manual process with a fast and safe automated process.
Matching Contribution Filter allows clients to automatically and correctly match both percent of salary and fixed amount employee deductions for 401(k) and similar plans.
Pay Stub Inquiry allows payroll clerks to access a list of checks by employee and view the details of any check.